Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Everybody Really Likes Jody Vance

Hello. This past Friday I had the chance to talk to Jody Vance of Leafs TV both during and after the 9th Annual Cystic Fibrosis Golf Tournament at Angus Glen.
I've had the pleasure of meeting many celebrities over the years. There are some that I was excited to meet, then found out personality wise they weren't all there (I won't say who). Then there were others that pleasantly surprised me, such as the late Victor Davis, 1984 Olympic Gold Medalist in the breaststroke. As a result, I try to lower my expectations when I meet a celebrity.
Well I can happily say Jody Vance is one of the most down to earth people you could ever meet. She listened to my CF story patiently, looked at my kids' pictures, and told me about her connection of knowing a family with CF children. She made me feel like I was the celebrity, and she was the nobody.
Jody MC'd our event, and did a tremendous gesture. When our featured speaker, who has CF, started to break down, Jody went up and put her arm around her for support. Then after the speech was over (which was brilliant by the way), Jody gave her a reassuring hug.
If you ever get a chance to meet Jody Vance, take it!



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