Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Tiger Ends 2006 With a Roar II

Hello. Just read Brian Hewitt's column on re Tiger and his swearing on the course. Obviously he's been doing it for several years. Hewitt says he can't judge, because he's sworn on the course (and yes so have I). He feels Tiger will stop once he has kids.
The last time I checked, I had kids. The earliest I can remember my daughter hearing a swear word and knowing what it was was when she was 4. Does that mean Tiger gets a "free pass" for at least 5 years? Will it stop him from swearing even if he does have kids, since they may be at the course with him or in school instead of watching on TV?
Also, the last time I checked, PGA players got fined for swearing. I believe it was $1,500+. Is that still a rule? Does Tiger get fined? Or is it another "Tiger Rule" that keeps him from paying?
Obviously no fine will concern Tiger. And threatening him with a suspension won't help either, since it means he'd get more rest, and the PGA Tour would get less money.
What to do? One simple thing - get rid of the mikes up the player's nostrils. Sure, have a mike on the tee or near the ball when the player's hitting. Turn it off right after impact.
On-field mikes are a problem waiting to happen. I still remember Bobby Clarke uttering a profanity from the Philadelphia Flyers' bench many decades ago against Toronto. People tend to remember these things.
Give Tiger and the others less opportunities to have their profanities heard. And fine them (including Tiger) when they are heard.



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