Monday, December 04, 2006

"Ice Day" Kept Me Away

Hello. My apologies for not writing Thursday. However, Thursday was "Ice Day" for me. And what a day it turned out to be.
It started with my son and I skating in the morning. We've done this every Tuesday and Thursday now since October 30th. What a thrill it is! He's really enjoying it, which is the main thing. I've also skated with my son and daughter a few times too, including yesterday. It must be helping me in the exercise department, as both of them are so much better than they used to be.
After skating and lunch, my friend Don and I went to the Masters of Curling event (part of the Grand Slam of Curling, a World Curling Tour presentation) in Waterloo. We got to watch 18 of the best curling teams in the world curl against each other. And the shots were phenomenal! It's hard to believe people can curl that well. This field was better than any Brier field can ever be, because the powerhouse provinces like Ontario, Alberta and Manitoba have multiple teams entered.
When the second draw of the day was completed, we ran into Barry, another friend, who is originally from Winnipeg. He mentioned he went to high school with Jeff Stoughton, and indirectly knew Kerry Burtnyk. I told him I went to the University of Waterloo with Glenn Howard (who won Sunday! Congrats!) and golfed regularly with Peter Corner at Brampton. The third draw had all 4 of these gentlemen playing. Since it wasn't crowded, we went to where the players exit. I then introduced Barry to Corner and Howard, and he did the same for me to Stoughton and Burtnyk. When I told my wife I shook Stoughton's hand (who she considers a "major hottie"), she was very impressed.
When we got back home, I then went to our curling recreational league 9pm draw, and our team beat a team we'd never come close to beating before. Maybe watching two draws of the best in the world and shaking some hands did the trick! Actually, I'll share my lessons learned Wednesday.
Thanks to all who made "Ice Day" a great one!



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