Monday, September 15, 2008

NFL Has Become No Fun League For Me

Hello. Yesterday I got a chance to watch a fair bit of NFL on TV. And as I was told by quite a few experts, it was quite a day of comebacks and great plays, many of which I did see as they happened.
The only thing was, I was not as excited as everyone else.
Why? well, in my humble opinion, the NFL has become an excellently marketed company. They generate a lot of hype. And hype is something that turns me off.
Also, my favourite team of all-time is the Miami Dolphins. I've been a fan since 1970. And I must say they, like my beloved New York Islanders, have gone through a lot of bleak years, with no end in sight.
Another thing I don't do is gamble, something the NFL unofficially encourages.
So with no personal interest in the games, I find myself falling asleep. Even when I'm not tired.
Can NFL really stand for No Fun League? I won't go that far. I really thingk it's just me, and the stage of life I'm in.
I never thought I'd say that.



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