Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Singh Gets Fedex Cup Strangehold

Hello. Congrats to Vijay Singh for winning the Deutsche Bank Championship Monday. Witht he win, Singh has a virtual lock on the Fedex Cup. If he plays relatively well this week, he may not even have to play in the Tour Championship to take home the $10 million first prize.
Doesn't that point out a flaw? The same thing would've probably happened last year if Tiger would have played all 3 playoff events. How can it be a playoff in the truest sense if the winer doesn't have to play in all 4 playoff rounds to win? Unlike other sports, no byes are being given in the Fedex Cup.
Another point to consider - would winning the Fedex Cup put Vijay in the runing for Player of the Year honours? In theory yes, but I'd still consider him a distant third behind my current pick, Padraig Harrington, and Tiger Woods. I don't think I'm alone. And if my opinion is shared by the majority, doesn't that also point out a Fedex Cup flaw?
When Tiger and others said the season was too long, I think all they wanted was for the Tour Championship to be moved up to early September. I don't think they wanted what the Fedex Cup is now. Look for some changes (hopefully big ones) to happen to next year's format.



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