Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Off To Chicago

Hello. FYI I'm off to Chicago. Tomorrow at this time I'll be at the airport waiting for my flight.
Why? It's my first international curling experience. Our team is going to play at Exmoor Golf and Country Club. Many other teams from our club have gone. Apparently last year our club had 8 of the 40 teams in the bonspiel.
How will we do? I'm not sure. In fact I don't even know who's going to play on our team. As mentioned last week, our skip dislocated his shoulder after falling on the ice. I hope he comes anyway, but I don't know if he'll play. If I were a betting man, I'd say no. Since I haven't heard anything, yes has a chance.
No matter what, I hear it's a great bonspiel. And Chicago is a lovely city. I'd rank it second to San Francisco on my Most Beautiful Cities list. My list is shorter than most because I've only ever been to Canada and the US.
I don't really care how we do. It'll just be nice to go.
I won't be writing tomorrow, so everyone have a great weekend.



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