Thursday, September 21, 2006

Ugly Americans Ready To Win?

Hello. Well, it seems whatever the Americans do at the Ryder Cup, they can't please the fans. Two years ago they didn't sign autographs for the fans, which was supposed to be a rule that also applied to the Euros. However, the Euros did sign, and got some fan support as a result.
This time the Americans decided to practice only their irons for 9 holes. As a result, they didn't tee off on any of the long holes, bypassing several fans who had been waiting to cheer. Tom lehman accepted full responsibility for this treatment.
The question I have Tom is what were you thinking? Although the weather was bad, aren't tee shots very important as well? Especially in match play, where a stray tee shot can lead your opponent make a safe par for the win? Not to mention the fan reaction, which promises to be negative from the first shot?
Will these things distract the Americans? Will they be put under more pressure to win, even though they're underdogs? Or will they take the "us against the world" stance, rally together, and win this thing?
As E.M.Swift said so well on, the Americans seem to only intimidate each other now. I don't think the Euros will be impressed with this squad. If they can stay focused on their own games, the Euros should take it.
Let the action begin.



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