Wednesday, September 20, 2006

A Little Privacy Please

Hello. A story came out in an Ireland publication today about Tiger Woods' wife Elin apparently being linked to porn, with a naked picture being "discovered".
Most people know Elin used to be a bikini model, however this picture was discovered 3 years ago to be someone else. In short it's not news.
Why then, was this story published? Was it to try to throw Tiger off his game? I hope it was the only reason something as inaccurate as this apparently is would be done. Even so, there's just no excuse for it.
When are the media going to realize celebrities have some privacy rights? I'm sure Tiger would've preferred a story like this with him as the subject as opposed to his wife. Even then it would be the lesser of two evils.
I'll admit I look through my wife's People magazine when it comes to the door. However, I'm really only interested in the current events. And while every cover seems to have to have a story about Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Jessica Simpson, Britney Spears or Jen Aniston, of those 5 I'm only interested in Ms. Jolie's charitable work. Why are people fascinated by these celebrities every time they walk out their door? I have no idea, but obviously there is a market that wants to know these things.
Where is the line that gets crossed? I'm not sure, but I think this latest story crossed it.
Based on Tiger's track record, he'll use it as motivation. Here's hoping he personally has the last laugh.



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