Monday, September 11, 2006

5 Years Ago

Hello. All of us are reflecting on the events of 5 years ago. It ranks up there with JFK's assasination and Pearl Harbor among the "where were you when it happened?" events.
I was working at the HP office in Spectrum Way, Mississauga, Ontario. A co-worker and I had made going to the Tim Horton's at the end of the block a weekday tradition. Just as we were leaving (around 9am Eastern), we overheard someone say that a plane had hit one of the World Trade Center towers. I shrugged it off as someone in a private jet had lost control, and went for my daily pilgrimage.
When I got back, I heard the full story about how both towers had now been hit by 767s. I knew a trained pilot would've ditched a troubled plane in the Atlantic if he could. The fact two planes had hit the towers meant only one thing - terrorism.
I avoided watching the coverage on the big screen in the largest meeting room. Instead I tried to work as best as I could. I talked to my wife about it via phone, picked up my daughter, and went to a cystic fibrosis meeting.
When I finally got home, I watched Larry King Live to see all the details. It wasn't until then that I comprehended as best as I could at the time what had happened in NYC, Washington and Pennsylvania. In some ways I've never comprehended it.
What we should all realize from this is one powerful person had a plan and the resources to carry it out. As a result he turned the most powerful thing he could against his foes - their own imaginations.
Will life ever be the same as it was 5 years and a day ago? No it won't as life keeps changing with each event, both good ones and bad ones. Life in the '70s was different for me than life in the '60s. The '80s, '90s and this decade have all been different from each other. Watergate, Vietnam, both World Wars and several other events have changed history in profound ways.
Will there be a time when terrorism won't be a perceived threat? Probably not. But then again, there are other things such as child abduction that can be just as scary. The awareness that these things are a possibility (there wasn't any when I was walking to school by myself as a 5 year old in the '60s) will hopefully minimize future occurrences.
Please take the time to remember 9/11 for a few minutes today. And do all you can in your part of the world to make it a better place.



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