Tuesday, September 12, 2006

5 Years Ago (Part 2)

Hello. September 12, 2001 was also a memorable day for me. A high school buddy of mine, Tom Jokic, is the producer of the CHUM-FM morning show with Roger, Rick and Marilyn. They had a great show that day. Instead of their usual format, it was just the 5 of them (Larry McInnis, the main writer, was in his usual spot, throwing in comments) talking about how they felt, and what the future would hold. It was a very memorable experience for me, because earlier that year my wife and I had been on the show, so we got to know all 5 people very well.
What they succeeded in doing in my half hour commute was release all the anger, shock and fear I'd been experiencing. It was by far the best show I ever heard them do. Thank you CHUM-FM.
Last night President Bush said the US was maintaining status quo. They were going to continue fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as any other country with terrorists in it. Is it the right thing to do? People who follow these things more closely than I do will have a better opinion than I do.
What I did like was the Larry King Live show following the presidential address, showing some of the victims and those that grieve for them. The Hillary Clinton and Rudy Gulianni interviews were very good as well. Senator Clinton nailed it when she said the one thing she misses from that experience was the feeling of unity. Everyone had a common purpose. Now it's business as usual, which is good in many ways, but regrettable in that one sense.
From now on, I'm going to give my loved ones hugs whenever I can, and tell them I love them as often as possible. It's the one way to ensure when even a relatively small 9/11, like a heart attack or car accident occurs, I won't have any regrets.



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