Thursday, October 11, 2007

Ontario Election Has Some Interesting Twists II

Hello. Well, all 3 of my predictions were correct. Unfortunately, voter turnout was one of them. To have only 4.4 million out of over 8 million (52.6%) cast a ballot is disgraceful.
Maybe I take this a little too seriously, because of having 3 uncles who were in World War II. However, it's the one thing that makes our country a democracy, and gives us a high standard of living. To not even vote to try to improve your situation is pitiful. And it'll be easy to pick out those people, because they'll probably be the loudest complainers.
John Tory says he'll stay on in spite of this disaster. All I can say is he's now in the same category as Bill Buckner and other infamous people. If I'm a Conservative, I don't want him around. I hear he's a great guy, but he's now lost mayor of Toronto and premier of Ontario races, and he lost his riding last night. To me, that equals "Good Night Irene".
Finally, MMP was soundly defeated. I'm hoping it will be the last time. If the Liberals do a great job, it should be, as one of the big drawbacks was it would be tougher to get majorities.
Congrats to the winners last night, and sympathies to the losers.



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