Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Durant A New Name To The List

Hello. Congrats to Joe Durant for winning the Funai Disney Classic last week. Durant finished at -24 for his first win in 5 years. Durant joins Tim Herron, Jeff Maggert and Davis Love as players who have gone years between PGA Tour victories.
Having played the Magnolia and Palm courses 6 years ago, it amazes me a guy could average 66 for 4 straight days. It also amazes me a guy (Justin Rose) can shoot 60 the first day and not be a factor on Sunday. Obviously they are much better than I am.
Did playing two easy (at least to them) courses impact Tiger Woods' decision to not play, and jeopardize his streak of 6 wins? Maybe. I remember Tiger was in the last group one year and saw Duffy Waldorf (perfect name for a Disney winner, don't you think?) pass him with a 62. Even though he's won the event twice, even Tiger can't say he's going to shoot -24 for 72 holes with any certainty.
Are these courses too easy for these guys? And as a result, when a guy wins, do the others say he was the luckiest? And when a guy comes close but loses, does he just say the winner was luckier, instead of examining why he couldn't close the deal?
I think that's why Tiger likes playing tough tracks. Birdies then have some meaning, instead of occurring once every 3 holes. Also, they reveal a player's true abilities.
Here's hoping Tiger plays East Lake in the Tour Championship. A tough track can bring out the best in Tiger. I hope we can see it a chance at 7 wins in a row and 9 for the season.



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